Frequently Asked Questions
Deadline to submit
The official deadline for submissions is the 20th day of every month. Please try to submit work at an earlier date so as to have more time for the editing and polishing process. We will always send the author a mockup of the final piece for them to review.
Any other social media accounts I can follow?
Please feel free to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Click on the icons on the top right corner of the website to visit these accounts.
Length and Style
Pieces that are eligible for publishing should be between 500 and 2,500 words in total. Some exceptions may apply, for which you will need to contact one of the editors. All submissions should be written in 12 point; font choices Calibri, Times, Arial, or similar variety in 1.5 or double line spacing. Please write in English (British spelling and grammar), and keep the content and language as respectful and academic as possible.
This publication is committed to covering a wide range of political and social topics that are relevant to current times. The topics will be announced on our social media platforms as well as towards the end of the previously published issue.
Submissions will only be taken if the piece covers the topic being handled for that issue. If the editing team believes a piece is not relevant, or better suited for another issue, they will contact you directly. A submission, though valuable, does not always translate to a published piece.
This publication is committed to showcasing as many sides to a specific issue as possible. Any insight, perspective or stance adopted on the covered topic is accepted as long as it is supported by logical arguments. Nuance is encouraged! Keep in mind the pieces have to be respectful (a.k.a not crass or hostile).
Can I submit anonymously?
We encourage our writers to publish their pieces with a name on it. However, exceptions may be made in specific cases. The nature of these cases will have to be discussed with the editing team. Privacy will be respected, concrete details need not be shared, but it must be clear there is a level of undesired risk for the writer. Examples may include but are not limited to: sensitive personal information, serious repercussions on other areas of work or learning, and threats of any kind (including national security laws).
Can I submit under a Pseudonym?
We encourage writers to publish their work with their real name attached. However, it is acceptable to publish under a pseudonym should there be a necessity or should this be their preferred or recognised public name.
Can I submit something other than writing?
Yes, other submission types include visual art of any kind (photography, painting, digital art, etc). However, these submissions must be aligned with the theme being covered for that issue as well.
Can I submit something other than an academic article?
Currently, Res Publica is looking predominantly for academic articles and opinion pieces. However, poetry and creative writing may be welcomed provided it is thought-provoking and in line with the topic being explored.
Becoming an Editor
To apply, fill out the following form: Once submitted our Chief Editor will get in contact with you.
We are looking for committed individuals with previous writing and editing experience as well as good teamwork and communication skills. Timeliness, enthusiasm, and open-mindedness are essential. Some flexibility regarding workload is required. This role will require the applicant to revise material and add nuance to submissions for Res Publica issues.